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General information

Mutation Designer is a fast and easy-to use web tool which can predict primers for whole plasmid Site-Directed Mutagenesis. It is suitable for QuickChange® Site-directed mutagenesis(SDM), Q5® Site-directed mutagenesis and even several homemade Site-directed mutagenesis kits and workflows. We offer two variants of the tool, pick the one that suits your workflow from the links below:

1) Q5-Like Site-directed Mutagenesis:

FW primer has the mutation and the primers do not overlap. Primers require 5'-phosphorylation before ligation.

2) QuickChange-like Site-directed Mutagenesis:

Both the FW and REV primers have the mutation and user can choose if they want completely overlapping or partially overlapping primers. There are parameters to adjust the overlap (when you choose partially overlapping primers)

Last modified on August 17, 2020.